sábado, 12 de maio de 2007

Anti-viajante que sou: o conceito de viagem na obra de Mário de Andrade.

MAYA, Ivone da Silva Ramos. Anti-viajante que sou: o conceito de viagem na obra de Mário de Andrade.
Artigo (PDF).

This paper deals with the nuances that the term “journey” acquires in Mário de Andrade’s works. Sometimes it can be defined literally, as a painful displacement/impediment, in the sense that it means the author’s displacement from São Paulo, from his environment, from his studies and from his work; as it symbolically points out to his intellectual openness to popular culture; a perspective that would be followed in Andrade’s future works and that had become evident since his first ethnographic journey to the North of Brazil in 1927, as an apprentice.

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